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3 Things to Love About Internet Explorer 9

1. Pinning and Jump Lists. Given I’ve used desktop shortcuts and IE favorites for years I was a bit skeptical when I first heard of the pinning feature. What I found was that after I tried it I quickly got to the point where I can’t imagine NOT having it. Really. If you haven’t tried this out, you really should and once you do you should show your friends too. It’s that good.

My Taskbar 1

When I started using it I realized that there are some sites that I use way more often than apps that I have pinned. Pinning them lets me treat these sites like an app. My favorite example of this is Hotmail. From the Jump List I can start composing an email in exactly two clicks. Being able to see the number of new messages in my inbox is just a bonus. I actually respond to my Hotmail email much quicker than I used to when I had it saved in my IE favorites.

Hotmail Jumplist

All that you have to do is drag the tab at the top of the IE window to your taskbar and let go. You can pin any site to the taskbar but if the site has made a few simple additions you’ll get the full experience of Jump Lists, notifications (like how many new messages in my inbox) and more. There are tons of sites that have done this and you can find many of them listed in the IE Gallery.

If you’ve got a site of your own it’s now easier than ever to enable the full pinning experience for your visitors.

2. Lower power consumption. This might seem like a small thing but it helps wring the most power out of my ‘always too small’ laptop battery and contributes to reducing overall energy use on any system. Sure I use sleep mode and make my screen dim quicker to save battery but those only work when I’m NOT doing something. Using IE9 as my browser saves some energy while I AM doing something.

Measuring this energy savings goes well beyond my efforts to use a Kill-A-Watt to get my PC’s power consumption down. The IE team has a great blog post on the specifics of how they measured this and the results.

3. Hardware acceleration. This one doesn’t get old but I have started to take it for granted. I’ve found myself using a PC that belongs to someone else and having it feel slightly ‘off’ as I browse the web until I realize it’s not running IE9. The full acceleration really contributes to the overall web experience besides creating truly amazing experiences in some specific scenarios. There are a couple great posts on the IE blog about this including a breakdown of the HTML blizzard demo and a rundown on the hardware acceleration architecture.

If you haven’t taken the time to install IE9 you really should check it out. Once you have it installed try out the pinning on your favorite sites. It’s truly one of those things that’s hard to be without after you experience it.

Change Font Settings Before Converting Text Files (Log, HTML, TXT) Into PDF Format

There are many tools available out there which allows you to convert text documents into PDF format, but what if you need to change the font family, size and font color before converting a document into PDF format? Batch Text To PDF is a PDF batch conversion utility which supports a wide range of plain text file formats, including, TXT, LOG, C, H (header file), CPP, CXX, JAVA, ASP, ASPX, HTML, JS, CSS, RB and PY. Moreover, you can change the font related options, including, font size, font color and font family prior to converting text documents into PDF format. The application claims to convert a large number of text documents in one-go.

First plain text files have to be added. You can manually add files from different locations, insert folder containing supported plain text documents, or simply drag & drop text files over the main interface. Once the list is populated with files, change the font specific options present in the ribbon. Now specify the output location of converted files followed by a click on Start Converting to begin the process.

After the conversion process is finished, a message window will pop-up over system notification area, showing conversion results with errors.

Now open the target directory to verify each converted file for specified font settings.

Since it is in beta testing phase, you might run on some interface related glitches. As far as primary functionality is concerned, it works as indented.

Download Batch Text To PDF

NorthBright CHM Tool Can Convert Windows Help CHM Files To HTML Format

CHM (Compiled HTML Help) is a format of help files, which is developed by Microsoft for publishing help manuals with their software and application releases. CHM is a compiled file which consists of hyperlinked table of contents referring towards corresponding main content. As it is a compiled HTML help file, users are unable to publish/extract single page or multiple pages from a CHM file. NorthBright CHM Tool is a decompiler which is built especially to let user extract either specific page(s) from the CHM file or decompile all the included content.

The simple interface will let you easily get started with decompiling CHM file. All that is required is to specify CHM file and Output folder to save the decompiled CHM content.

It will immediately decompile the content into HTML files. This procedure will decompile all the CHM file content, if you need to save only a single page, open the CHM file and move to the page which you want to be extracted in HTML format. Now launch the application, it will automatically find the opened CHM page source and allow you to quickly decompile the page’s content. Click Save to specify the location of output folder.

The application worked fine during testing and decompiled one hefty CHM file in couple of seconds.

It runs on all Windows based OS, we tested it on Windows 7 x86 system.

Download NorthBright CHM Tool

Basic HTML Tutorial PDF

HTML Tutorial PDF is an introduction to HTML. This tutorial is designed to teach you some the basics of HyperText Markup Language (HTML), with an emphasis on transforming a word-processing document into a simple Web page. This tutorial assumes a level of competency with basic computing tasks and concepts.

HTML Tutorial PDF Details:

  • Manual PDF
  • File size: 120,09 KB
  • 24 pages
  • Author: XavierUniversity of Louisiana

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