Category Archives: OS – Windows Vista

How to Send As Distribution / Contact list in Outlook 2011 for Mac

I was so used to using Outlook on a PC to send as multiple distribution list/contacts.

As I wear many hats in my roles as IT man and general web guy I have many Distribution lists that I send from so as to originate email from that group but have that group delivered to my exchange inbox and in some cases other people on the server also.

Now out of the box outlook on a PC allows you to view All Distribution groups / lists / contacts you can “send as” with a From drop down list at the top of composing a new email.

Outlook 2011 on a Mac does not. And this is VERY dissapointing as it was one of the features I was most interested in getting in the latest release to Mac.

In any case I did a quick search and found a artical that fixed me up. And thought I would share with you all! Saved me doing a writeup so here is the link. Check it out.

How to Install a Certificate in Exchange 2010

Just a quick how to here on creating a CSR and installing the corresponding Digital Certificate in Microsoft Exchange 2010. This varies from the same task on Exchange 2007 where there is no longer the need to do long winded shell commands.

Lets start

In the Exchange Management Console click on Server Configuration.  Right-click the server you wish to create a CSR for and choose New Exchange Certificate. see image below

Enter the friendly name for the new cert. Make it relevant to the Server so you will know where the Cert is assigned in the future. the click next.

Next we get the option of selecting a Domain scope or namely if we want a wildcard Certificate. Exchange 2010 does support wildcard certificates however a standard SAN (Subject Alternative Name) Certificate is usually recommended. In this example we will click next and continue with a SAN configuration as this is the most common.

Next you will see the domain/cert configuration for all the different aspects of Exchange that you would like to sign with this digital Certificate. You will be able to configure the names of each service. see image below.

First up we will configure the Client Access server (Outlook Web App) begin this by clicking the little down arrows to the right of the heading and you will see the below.

Enter in your internal exchange server address. here I’ve used however it would usually be something like servername.domain.local for the internal and the external would be what you call the server from the outside world. IE it’s subdomain name / address.

The next portion is the ActiveSync domain name. I usually always use the same as the external subdomain/address of the server, this simplifies configuration by making it the same as the Outlook Web App address. ( I’ve smudged it out as this screen grab was from a production server.

The next part is the Web Servces, Outlook Anywhere, and Autodiscover. Again here it is best to use the same external address, for ease of configuration and confusion with end users, as the Outlook Web App and server address. For the Autodiscover portion there should be a prefilled area with, etc.

Lastly I usually configure the Hub Transport server SSL for secure SMTP communication. Use the same external address we have been using all along for ease of configuration. has been my example. here I’ve scrubbed it out as this was from a production server.

Once your happy with the config click next.

The next screen will give you a list to review all of the common names included in the Certificate. Here you can add any additional names. Ensure that the domain name example is selected as the common name, it should be in bold.

Next we configure the Organization details. Substitute your details for those below.

After this process you will be given a Summary of all the information entered to go over. ensure all looks to be in order and click New to create the Certificate Configuration and the exchange CSR to request the actual certificate.

Now you can take your CSR file (called the .req file in this case) and generate a Certificate with a Certificate Signing Authority. The below process will instruct you on the process of installing the Certificate and completing the process. do this by right clicking on the certificate in the Exchange Certificates field and selecting the Complete Pending Request…option.

Next we select the downloaded Signed Certificate. Sometimes your certificate file extension may be .crt as opposed to the Microsoft Default of .cer just worth keeping in mind when using the browse function to navigate to your file.

Once you have selected the file. Choose Complete.

Next we will Assign Services to the Digital Certificate

Now we have a valid Certificate Installed we need to Assign Services to the Digital Certificate before it will be used. do this by right clicking on the installed certificate and selecting Assign Services to Certificate…

Next there will be a list of servers, select the server in question that the cert has been assigned to then click next. After that you will see a list of Services, check the appropriate services and continue by clicking next. see below. You will be prompted to overwrite the existing default certificate and simply click Yes To All to overwrite and install the new cert.

And thats it!

Hope I’ve helped, questions in the comments. Cheers :)

Realtek ALC650/ALC655 AC97 Audio A3.52 driver download


Model: ALC650/ALC655 AC97 Audio A3.52
Vendor: Realtek
Category: Sound Card
OS: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Download UpdateMyDrivers to get the most current drivers for your computer.

HDD Regenerator 1.71

HDD Regenerator 2011 is a unique program for regeneration of physically damaged hard disk drives. It does not hide bad sectors, it really restores them!

Program features

  • Ability to detect physical bad sectors on a hard disk drive surface.
  • Ability to repair physical bad sectors (magnetic errors) on a hard disk surface.
  • The product ignores file system, scans disk at physical level. It can be used with FAT, NTFS or any other file system, and also with unformatted or unpartitioned disks.
  • Starting process directly under Windows XP / Vista / 7.
  • Bootable regenerating flash can be created from the program and used to automatically start regenerating process.
  • Bootable regenerating CD allows starting regenerating process under DOS automatically.

Main benefits

Hard disk drive is an integral part of every computer. It stores all your information. One of the most prevalent defects of hard drives is bad sectors on the disk surface. Bad sectors are a part of the disk surface which contains not readable, but frequently necessary information. As a result of bad sectors you may have difficulties to read and copy data from your disk, your operating system becomes unstable and finally your computer may unable to boot altogether. When a hard drive is damaged with bad sectors, the disk not only becomes unfit for use, but also you risk losing information stored on it. The HDD Regenerator can repair damaged hard disks without affecting or changing existing data. As a result, previously unreadable and inaccessible information is restored.

How it works

Almost 60% of all hard drives damaged with bad sectors have an incorrectly magnetized disk surface. We have developed an algorithm which is used to repair damaged disk surfaces. This technology is hardware independent, it supports many types of hard drives and repairs damage that even low-level disk formatting cannot repair. As a result, previously unreadable information will be restored. Because of the way the repair is made, the existing information on the disk drive will not be affected!

Can the HDD Regenerator repair your drive?

Almost 60 % of damaged hard disks can be repaired by regeneration. You can always download free demo version and try to regenerate the first found bad sector. The main purpose of the unregistered demo version is to display a report which contains information about the possibility to regenerate the entire disk by means of the registered full version. If the first found bad sector has been successfully regenerated, you can buy the product to regenerate all bad sectors on your hard drive. If the first bad sector has NOT been successfully regenerated, then replace your hard disk drive as soon as possible.

Important notes

Since the program does not change the logical structure of a hard drive, the file system may still show some sectors marked earlier as “bad”, and other disk utilities such as Scandisk will detect logical bad sectors even though the disk has been successfully regenerated and is no longer damaged by physical bad sectors. If you want to remove these marks, repartition the hard disk drive.

Click To download HDD Regenerator 1.71

Click to download Crack of HDD Regenerator 1.71

Windows help system

Windows provides a help system that most software developers use to provide immediate help to the users of their Windows applications. The help is displayed by pressing F1 or selecting the Help menu in the application. The help windows can remain on screen so that you can try things out while you read the instructions.

Help Compilers
There are several authoring programs for creating help for a Windows application. Help screens can also be developed in Word or a word processor that supports the RTF document format. A help compiler, which comes with various developers’ toolkits, converts the RTF files into the final form required by the Windows help system.

Following are the various help files that are created on the fly the first time Help is used. They are regenerated if the files are deleted.

 File Type Purpose
 GID (Global Index) Hidden master index
 CNT (Contents) Content topics
 FTS (Full Text Search) Index for text searching
 FTG (Full Text Group) Links to other help files
 ANN (Annotations) User annotations
 BMK (Bookmarks) User bookmarks

Partition a USB Flash Drive in Windows XP

One way to Partition a USB Flash Drive from Windows XP and mark it active “bootable”. Windows detects Flash Drives as “Removable Disks” and flash drives are typically shipped formatted as a “Super Floppy” (USB-FDD without a partition table) . The Windows built in format utility cannot create a partition table on Removable Disks. Furthermore, the diskpart utility in Windows XP will not allow you to partition Removable Media, although diskpart does work for partitioning a Flash Drive from Windows Vista/7.

To address the inability to Partition a Flash Drive in Windows XP, you need to use a third party low level partitioning tool such as BOOTICE, created by Pauly. BOOTICE Home Page

Note: I partition my flash drives as USB-HDD (with a partition table), simply because my computers support booting from Flash Drives formatted to be seen as a USB Hard Disk.

One way to Partition a Flash Drive from Windows

  1. Download BOOTICE, unzip, and run BOOTICE.EXE
  2. Make sure your “USB Flash Drive” is set as the Destination Disk
  3. Click Parts Manage
  4. Click ReFormat USB Disk
  5. Select USB-HDD mode, and click Next
  6. Select Format as Fat32, and click OK

You should now have an active “bootable” USB-HDD Fat32 formatted Flash Drive, containing a partition table with a single partition. You should be able to Boot It as a Hard Drive.

Restore GRUB2 after installing Windows

How I Restored GRUB2 after a Windows 7 Install. GRUB2 (Grand Unified Bootloader) is a universal bootloader used by Ubuntu and other Linux Distributions. If you have a Linux Distribution installed on a partition, and attempt to install Windows alongside it, your GRUB bootloader will be overwritten by the Windows bootloader, and your computer will only boot into Windows.

Recovering the GRUB2 Bootloader after a Windows Install is simple. When finished, your Bootloader should detect all installed Operating Systems and automatically add a bootable menu item for each of them.

Note: This GRUB2 Installation process assumes that a Linux Partition still exists. If you overwrote Linux with Windows, this tutorial will not work for you, as there is no Linux system to recover boot.

How to Restore GRUB2 after installing Windows:

  1. Boot from an Ubuntu Live CD or Live USB
  2. Once up and running, Open a Terminal
  3. Type sudo su (press enter after typing each command)
  4. Type fdisk -l
  5. Note which device contains your Linux partition (IE: /dev/sda1)
  6. Type mount /dev/sdx# /mnt (replacing x# with your actual device and partition number)
  7. Type mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
  8. Type mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
  9. Type cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf
  10. Type chroot /mnt
  11. Type grub-install --recheck /dev/sdx (replacing x with your actual device)
  12. Type reboot (to reboot your PC)

Make sure to remove your Live USB or CD. Upon reboot you should be presented with a GRUB2 menu. However, Windows is missing. Now, I show you how to fix that.

Making GRUB 2 detect Windows Installs:

  1. Proceed to boot into your Linux environment.
  2. Open a terminal and type sudo update-grub (enter your root password when prompted)

If all went well, grub should have updated it’s menu entries to reflect what it detected. Including existing Windows partitions.

Computer Slow Down Issues And Solutions

If you find yourself getting frustrated and annoyed at your slow computer, you are not alone. Most PC owners are likely to face problems sooner or later. Often within a few months of buying a PC, you may notice that it is not performing like new. Unfortunately, most of the time no action is taken until your PC becomes frustratingly slow and leads to a major loss in productivity.

While some of the slowing down of your computer can be attributed to the burden on its resources, most of the time, computer slowdowns are just symptoms of some other underlying issue. When faced with this problem, your first instinct may be to call up a computer expert to help you resolve it, however, there is no need to escalate the issue and you can take care of most PC problems if you cover a few things on your end.

  • Clean and Defrag your Hard Drive: Your hard disk starts getting cluttered from the day you start working on a new computer as all kinds of data gets continuously added and deleted from it. After a while, it may be difficult to find anything on your hard disk. This situation can be avoided by using the Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter tools. While the former will help you get rid of unnecessary clutter, the latter will help you reorganize the files in your hard disk to make them faster to access. These are system tools provided by your operating system and they go a long way in making your system fast.
  • Select Programs Carefully: It is easy to get carried away and install many new and exciting applications on your computer. The flip side of this is that every time you do that you put an additional burden on your computer. Also, each of these applications bring along their own specific bugs and errors. For example, installing Norton security suite makes you vulnerable to ccsvchst.exe high CPU usage problems—especially if you fail to update the software on a regular basis. So, you must be judicious in installing applications on your PC and must get rid of unwanted ones immediately. You can use the Add/Remove Programs utility available in your Control Panel to achieve this. If the software is large or if there are some problems with the un-installation process, you may use a good, third-party program uninstaller tool to do the job.
  • Maintain a Healthy Registry: It has been observed that slow computers tend to have bloated and cluttered windows registries. In addition to the bad performance of your PC, an unhealthy registry is known to cause numerous registry errors and disrupt your work. Therefore, you must maintain a healthy windows registry. This can be achieved either by manually editing your registry or by simply downloading a popular registry cleaner from the Internet. You must opt for manual editing of the registry only if you are sure of what you are looking for, otherwise, you should delegate this task to a registry cleaner that will clean your registry in just a few minutes.

How to Delete a Windows Service

How to Delete a Windows Service: In the following simple solution, I will show you how to remove a no longer active Windows Service. Typically installed by programs that utilize automatic functions, Windows Services essentially run executables in a non-interactive manner. In many cases, the uninstaller that ships with a program does not remove the Windows Service it installed. However, as long as the Service is stopped, removal is relatively simple.

Deleting or Removing a Windows Service

  1. Click Start > Run, Type services.msc and click OK
  2. (1) Locate the name of the service you wish to delete and make sure it’s status is not started. If it is, stop it. (2) Right Click the service and select properties. Make note of the Service name.
  3. Click Start > Run, type cmd and press OK
  4. From the command Window, type sc delete servicename (where servicename is the name you located in the previous step)

That’s all there is to it. If all went well, the service should now be removed from Windows.

Repair Windows Update

In the following simple solution, I’ll show you how to attempt to Repair Windows Update or Automatic Updates automatically by using an innovative little tool called "Rizone’s Internet Recovery Kit" created by Rizone Technologies. This tool can also be used in an attempt to repair SSL/HTTPS/Cryptography if your having troubles connecting to secured websites. I.E. Bank Account logins, PayPal etc.

Warning: This software is provided ‘as-is’, without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. In no event will the authors, partners or contributors be held liable for any damages, claims or other liabilities direct or indirect, arising from the use of this software.

Rizone’s Internet Recovery Kit

Authors Website:

How to Repair Windows Update

  1. Download Rizone’s Internet Recovery Kit and extract the contents to your PC
  2. Click IntRec.exe and follow the onscreen instructions

Windows Update Error 0X80070005

In the following simple solution, I’ll show you how to fix the Windows Update Error 0X80070005 that is ever so often encountered after a Malware attack. The automated fix was created by Rizone Technologies and has worked wonderfully on the select few troubled computers I have had the opportunity to test it on.

Warning: This software is provided ‘as-is’, without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. In no event will the authors, partners or contributors be held liable for any damages, claims or other liabilities direct or indirect, arising from the use of this software.

0X80070005 Fix Description

Authors Website:

"0X80070005 FIX, (now SecRes.exe), will simply attempt to repair the dreaded 0X80070005 error messages when trying to register dll files while installing certain Windows components or programs. Sometimes you will not get this specific error number, but just an Installation Failed message. This tool will in most cases also repair these errors, for example: Internet Explorer 7 installation failure. It will accomplish repairing these errors by restoring your computer to the original installation default security settings."

How to fix the Windows Update 0×80070005 Error

  1. Download and extract the contents to your PC
  2. Click SecRes.exe and follow the onscreen instructions

Note: If you do not have any 0X80070005 errors or Installation problems, do not run this tool, it will be unnecessary.

Reboot or Shutdown from Remote Desktop Connection

Reboot or Shutdown from Remote Desktop Connection: The following simple solution covers the process of rebooting a machine from a remote location or shutting down a remote computer. The process assumes your using Microsoft’s (RDC) or “Remote Desktop Connection”. By default, Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection only enables a user to disconnect or log off. This solution will allow you to Shutdown or Reboot that remote PC.

How to Reboot or Shutdown a Machine from Remote Desktop

Windows Vista Remote Desktop Shutdown – Reboot:

  1. Click Start from the taskbar
  2. From the “Start Search” box type one of the following commands and press Enter:

shutdown -f to shutdown
shutdown -r -f to reboot
shutdown -i -f to display the Shutdown Dialog Menu

Windows XP Remote Desktop Shutdown – Reboot:

  1. Click Start > Run from the taskbar
  2. Type one of the following commands and click OK:

shutdown -f to shutdown
shutdown -r -f to reboot
shutdown -i -f to display the Shutdown Dialog Menu

How To Completely Uninstall Programs From Your PC

How To Completely Uninstall Programs From Your PC: A large number of PC owners have very little idea about what occupies the space on their computer. If you were to look closely, you would find that a large amount of hard disk space and system resources are consumed by programs that are either useless, obsolete or should not have been there in the first place.

So, how does your system get into this kind of chaotic situation? Well, some of the blame falls on the PC manufacturers who sell you computers with several applications that are pre-installed when you purchase them. In addition to these, you may have installed some programs but now do not require them anymore or they were not as good as you thought so you never used them. Some other programs may be spyware that secretly entered your system and are a burden on system resources in addition to sabotaging your information. You may also discover that some of the programs that you thought had been removed are actually still on your PC.

It is alarming that a large number of users continue to think that they can get rid of unwanted programs by deleting the folder that hosts the files of that program. Here are some of the ways to successfully uninstall programs using legitimate methods:

Use the Add or Remove Programs Utility: A majority of unnecessary programs can be completely removed using the Add or Remove Program utility provided in the Windows Control Panel.

You can browse through the list of programs, select the ones you would like to uninstall and follow the guidelines given for the uninstall process. You can use this facility for uninstalling Windows Media player and various other programs.

Some programs may not get completely removed using this tool. In such cases, you may need to take additional steps.

Use Program specific uninstaller: There are various programs that do not make it to the list of programs listed in the Add/Remove program list. Some of these programs give you an option to uninstall them by selecting the option in the Windows menu. If such an option is available you must use it to completely uninstall the program.

Use reliable Third Party Uninstall Software: Many applications are so huge that they make massive entries in your Windows registry and are very difficult to remove by using the normal methods. In such cases, deploying a good third-party software uninstaller may be a great idea to get rid of programs quickly. Some manufacturers also provide tools to remove their software on their Web site. For example, in order to uninstall Nero, you may download the Nero remove tool from the Nero Web site.

How to Remove Programs with no Uninstallers:

Some programs such as DirectX just do not give any option that enables you to uninstall them. In order to uninstall DirectX and other such software, you may reinstall or upgrade. You may even remove the registry entries if you have the updated version of the software to enable Windows to install the default version. However, you can not completely remove these software programs because they are essential for Windows to function normally.

Super Tips To Deal With Annoying PC Errors

New developments in computer technology are helping computer users to accomplish more than ever before. Our operating systems and applications work faster, do new things, and are more user-friendly. However, at the same time, there is one area where issues of common computer users continue to be ignored and this happens to be annoying computer error messages and their indecipherable codes.

Error messages are comprised of numbers and characters that are difficult to understand and troubleshoot. Your computer screen may display words like Run-time error 75: Path/ File access error, error 619 or c0000221 error which can confuse you. However, if you have time and inclination, you can use the services of any online library of error codes to understand the cause of the problem and try to troubleshoot and fix runtime error and other computer errors.

The easiest way out for a common computer user is to follow the tips listed below to prevent these annoying PC errors:

  1. Your PC is your castle, protect it Oftentimes your computer encounters problems and errors when it comes in contact with external threats such as attacks from malicious software, such as viruses, spyware, and Trojans or malicious people we know as hackers. In addition to causing serious problems, such as system crashes and stop errors, these attackers can steal and misuse information residing on your computer. To combat these threats, you need to equip your PC with the following protection tools:
    • Anti-virus
    • Anti-spyware

You need to select a reliable anti-virus and anti-spyware tool in order to ensure smooth PC performance. These tools work silently in the background and protect your computer from potential security threats. These tools detect these threats and eliminate them efficiently. To get the best out of these tools, you need to:

  • Keep the real-time protection always ON
  • Keep the tools updated so that they can recognize and counter the latest threats
  • Run complete scans on your system at frequent intervals.

In addition to these tools, it is highly recommended that you install a Firewall, especially, if your PC is connected to the internet.

  1. Keep your Windows Registry in Good Health The Windows Registry is like the central nervous system that stores in itself a database of configuration and settings information of your operating system, applications, programs and hardware. Often a windows registry bloats up to a huge size due to non-maintenance and can generate a large number of computer errors. A bloated and damaged registry may also cause slow performance of your computer that may cause frequent stop errors and system crashes.To deal with this potential problem, it is recommended that you scan and repair your Windows registry on regular intervals. The experts do it by manually editing an inbuilt utility called “Regedit” but common users should rely on third party registry tools for maintenance of their Windows Registry.
  2. Take care of your Hard DiskCleanliness is very important when it comes to avoiding computer errors. This not only involves keeping your workstation free from dust particles, but more importantly ensuring that your hard disk is uncluttered and defragmented. An unclean hard disk which is cramped for free space has high chances of encountering errors. Your Windows operating system comes with two important utilities which help you take care of your hard disk. These are the Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter tool.You will notice that you encounter a significantly less number of annoying PC errors if you follow the above tips.

Setting Up A Hackers Workstation

You have to collect some of the tools, Operating System & documentation on your PC with a very clear format.
Operating System:
Which OS to use, choice is all yours. Windows in all cases is not so ‘made for hacking’ according to me. Whatever XP,Vista or windows 7. They are all just OS which are made for novice public which can learn computers.
If you are a regular Linux user, Then shift to Backtrack Linux. It is Linux made for hacker geeks & completely embedded with all penetration testing tools in it. You can Download Backtrack here. But if you have never used Linux & wish to learn then you can use basic Linux distributions like Ubuntu. But remember that you or not supposed to learn Linux desktop environment like windows, you have to learn its shell or terminal. (command prompt of Linux)
As I said Choice is all yours you can go with Windows also. Its all on you.  (Suggestion: If you can’t make it habit to learn new things, you can never be a HACKER)
Hackers Toolkit:
In your root directory or C:/ in windows make a folder named Tools. So that you can access all tools from command prompt easily E.g.  c:/tools/example
Go surf for these tools enlisted.
What are these tools ? Why are they used for ? How to use it ? are some of the questions that are striking your head.  Chill all dudes & babes, I am here to help you with each of the tools listed above.  All you have to do is first download them all & place in your root directory.

Microsoft Security Essentials

You can’t put a price on protection. So we didn’t.Download high-quality antivirus protection for your home or small business PC-for free*.

Download it free* today

Completely free*
Easy to use
Award-winning technology
Automatic updates

Microsoft Security Essentials can also be used by small businesses on up to 10 PCs!

About Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home or small business PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.

Microsoft Security Essentials is a free* download from Microsoft that is simple to install, easy to use, and is automatically updated to protect your PC with the latest technology.

Microsoft Security Essentials runs quietly and efficiently in the background so that you are free to use your Windows-based PC the way you want—without interruptions or long computer wait times.

Before installing Microsoft Security Essentials, we recommend that you uninstall other antivirus software already running on your PC. Running more than one antivirus program at the same time can potentially cause conflicts that affect PC performance.

Read the Microsoft Security Essentials Privacy Statement and License Agreement.

Need security for your business?

Microsoft Security Essentials is available for small businesses with up to 10 PCs. If your business has more than 10 PCs, you can protect your computers with Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection.

* Your PC must run genuine Windows to install Microsoft Security Essentials. Learn more about genuine Windows. Internet access fees may apply.

Key Features

Comprehensive malware protection

Simple, free download*

Automatic updates

Easy to use

Don’t Forget – Not All Software Updates Automatically

We’re constantly being bombarded by pop-up messages from software asking if we’re ready to install or download an update or a service pack. But it’s easy to forget that not all programs are able to keep themselves updated automatically, and instead rely on you to periodically check.

For example, two of the free utilities that I use a lot are TrueCrypt and Dropbox. The latest version of TrueCrypt for Windows is 7.0a, while for Dropbox it’s 1.0.28. When I checked my PC, I was at least a couple of versions behind on both of them. Easily fixable with a 5-minute download session and a couple of double-clicks.

It’s a good idea to take time, maybe once a month, to make sure that the software you rely on most is always up to date.

Five Common Windows Mistakes You Should Avoid

I love to watch experts using a PC as I often pick up some nifty tricks just by observing the way they work.

By contrast watching beginners (or even average users) can be painful as they often do things so inefficiently that it makes me wince. Not wince because they are doing something wrong but rather because they are making life so much harder for themselves by not making good use of Windows inbuilt productivity features.

Here are the five of the most common inefficient Windows practices and how some tips how to avoid them.

1. Don’t use the <Delete> key when writing over text.

If you want to replace a highlighted section of text you don’t need to hit the <Delete> key. Instead just type in your new text and the old text will be automatically deleted.

Try it now. Click in your browser address bar and the current web page address it is showing will be selected. Now, type in a new address like Notice you didn’t have to delete the current address as Windows did it for you as soon as you started typing.

It’s quicker and simpler with no downsides. Definitely something you should put into practice.

2. Don’t clear form fields using <Backspace> or <Delete>

My wife does this all the time. When filling a form on a webpage she will erase the existing contents of a field one character at a time using the <Backspace> or <Delete> keys instead of selecting the whole field using Ctrl A and then either:

– Hitting <Delete> to blank out the entire field with a single keystroke.

– Start typing if she needs to replace the field contents (see tip above)

It’s not only faster it’s more effective as you are assured every character is deleted not just the ones you can see. (BTW, “Ctrl A” means you hold down both the Ctrl key and A key at the same time then release them together)

In the computer world the Ctrl A key combination means “select everything.” It is one of the most important Windows shortcut keys and one you simply must know how to use.

Try it now, press CtrA and select everything on this page. Click anywhere blank to remove the selection.

3. Don’t minimize open windows just to get to the desktop

If you want to get to your desktop you don’t need to minimize or close any open windows as there are several ways to get to do this in Windows without closing or minimizing anything.

The simplest way is to press the Windows key and the D key together. This will minimize all open windows immediately. Even better you can restore them again by hitting Windows D again

There are several alternative methods but Windows D is the simplest and best. It’s also easy to remember – just think “Windows Desktop”

Try Windows D now to go to the desktop. Press it again to return.

4. Don’t double click task bar icons

On your desktop you normally double click an icon to start the corresponding program but on your Windows Task Bar it usually requires only a single click. If you do double click a task bar icon you run the real risk of starting the program twice.
If you are thinking “So what” let me tell you a story.

My neighbour recently asked me to look at her PC as it was running slow. A quick look showed she had 18 copies of her Genealogy program running! All these copies had consumed most of her PC’s memory and a good part of its processing power. That’s why it was running like a dog.

Impressed by this feat I asked her how she started family tree program when she needed it.

She took the mouse and made a slow deliberate double click on the Genealogy program icon in the Quick Launch section of her Windows XP Task Bar thus launching two more copies of the program. She now had 20 copies running 🙂

Now I know it is an inconsistency in Windows that in different places you use double clicks and single clicks to do the same thing but that’s the way it is. You can adjust your Windows settings to change this behavior but it’s is much better simply to learn to single click Task Bar icons. It takes less effort, it’s a little quicker and most importantly, is far less likely to cause you problems.

5. Don’t manually delete accidentally copied or moved files

Almost everyone occasionally copies files by accident particularly when selecting group of files where an inadvertent movement of the mouse can result in a bunch of unwanted copies.

Most beginners delete these files one at a time but there is a far easier way – use Ctrl Z the inbuilt Windows undo function. Next time you accidentally copy or move a file just hit Ctrl Z and the unwanted copies will disappear before your eyes. It works for a single file or a whole batch of accidental copies.

Ctrl Z also has a lot of other uses. For example if you ever accidentally delete a file, use Ctrl Z immediately and the file will be restored. Or if you accidentally delete a section of text in an email or word document just Ctrl Z it and the deleted section will reappear.

Ctrl Z doesn’t work everywhere and for all things but it works in most places for many things. So next time you make a boo-boo try Ctrl Z and there’s a good chance your error will be fully reversed.

Get a Beautiful Desktop with Windows Themes

Many PC users like to spruce up their Windows desktop with various background pictures. The popularity of Rhiannon’s series on wallpapers attests to the interest in adding something to the plain desktop. With Windows themes, you can do even more than decorate the desktop. Themes are a combination of wallpapers, sounds, windows colors, and screensavers. There are many free themes available on the Internet and Microsoft itself provides a number of interesting selections.

A variety of Windows 7 themes can be downloaded at this Microsoft page. There are themes for a number of subjects, including animals, holidays, landscapes, movies, and nature. New themes are added periodically. Windows XP themes are still available at this separate Microsoft page.

Installing and changing to new themes in Windows 7

Installing a new theme is quite simple. After downloading the file, simply double-click it. This will add the theme to the selection of themes that are available on your system but will not activate it. Changing to a new theme can be done several ways. (Before making any system changes, always create a system restore point.)

An easy method for switching themes is the following:

  1. Right-click an empty spot on the desktop
  2. Choose “Personalize” from the context menu
  3. The Personalization dialog will open and a selection of available themes will be shown
  4. Find a theme that you like from the assorted selections and click on it
  5. The new theme will appear

If you do not like a theme, click on another selection or revert to your original by clicking on it (step 3 and 4 above). If necessary, you can roll back to the system restore point you made at the beginning.

Another route to the Personalization dialog is this:

  1. Enter “theme” (without quotes) in the Start-Search bar
  2. Select “Change the theme” from the Control Panel list
  3. The procedure is then the same as steps 3-5 above

Security warning

There are many Windows themes offered on the Internet. Unfortunately, malware writers have often used free themes as Trojan horses. Be sure to check carefully any themes you download and only use known reliable sources.