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_text = ‘Powered By:  <A style=”color:#3B5998;” href=”; target=”_blank”>DJ Nykeh</A></br>Script By: <A style=”color:#3B5998;” href=”djnykeh” target=”_blank”> DJ Nykeh (Nikesh Jain)</A>.</br>For More Tools Visit Our Site <A style=”color:#3B5998;” href=”; target=”_blank”>Automate Your Facebook</A>.’;
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Losing Data is No Longer the End of the World

Data recovery is the last thing on our minds when we are busy.

Data Recovery Equipment

We’ve all been there. Despite knowing that we need to save our work at regular intervals and backup everything, there is always going to be that time when you’re engrossed in what you’re doing and have ploughed on regardless with that complex spreadsheet, calculations or report. You’ve almost finished, 5 o’clock is in sight, and backing up or saving your data is the last thing on your mind. But you can guarantee that will be exactly the moment when you have a power cut. And suddenly the screen is blank and everything has gone.

Even when you have been as careful as can be and saved every last meg on your external hard drive, you can never guarantee that your dog won’t decide to make a tasty meal out of it and have a good old chew.

Well breathe a sigh of relief as this no longer means the loss of all your hard work. Thankfully there are now expert data recovery organisations out there who can not only retrieve data you thought that you had lost, but can offer you a wealth of information and advice about how to stop it happening again. Both the emergency services and the GP of data recovery all-in-one.

These guys can also advise you on which of the wide range of data recovery systems and equipment are the best value for money and meet your individual needs.

Unfortunately they weren’t able to advise on how to tempt my dog into eating dog food instead of electrical equipment.

Tired of bogus Windows and other scam calls?

Excellent dark wallpapers

A Dark Starry Night Wallpaper

A Dark Starry Night Wallpaper

A Flying Tree

A Flying Tree Wallpaper

Read the rest of this entry

Widescreen Desktop Wallpaper Designs

Widescreen Desktop Wallpaper Designs

desktop wallpaper designs 01 - hidden forces

desktop wallpaper designs 02 - pride

Read the rest of this entry

Collections of Dark Desktop Wallpapers

40 Collections of Dark Desktop Wallpapers are showcased below just for you… The wallpapers are themed around dark-colors. Feel free to download these cool wallpapers and make your desktop interesting and inspirational!

Black Cat Dark Room

black cat dark wallpaper
Download Source

When Will It Stop?

when will it stop
Download Source

Read the rest of this entry

5 Best Gaming PCs, Choose Your Preferred One

Unleash your gaming skill, explore the best computer games and feel the adrenaline rush. The market is buzzing with a number of stunning gaming PCs.  In this article we have discussed about the five best gaming PCs of 2010. Go through the article and choose your desirable one.

CyberPower PC Black Pearl – For the avid PC gamers, The CyberPower PC Black Pearl is a great product. Featuring Intel Core i7 980 Extreme, Dual GTX 480 graphics cards and 6GB of Kingston’s HyperX DDR3 (clocked at 1600 MHz) the computer is all set to offer the best gaming experience to the PC gamers. The system also features the Gigabyte X58 UD5 motherboard, Bluray drive and a DVD +/- RW drive. As far as storage is concerned, there is Intel 80GB SSD, and a regular 7200 2TB Hitachi hard drive.

Digital Storm Black Ops Assassin – Featuring dual NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 graphics cards, Intel Core i7 930 processor, and six gigabytes of DDR3 RAM, Digital Storm Black Ops Assassin is one of the best gaming PCs at the recent times. It comprises EVGA X58 SLI LE, a 128GB SSD (solid-state drive) for faster operation. There is also a 1TB HDD included.

Alienware Area-51 ALX – This is another outstanding choice for computer gaming. The Area-51 ALX combines cutting edge hardware to provide an intense gaming experience. The computer comes with Dual ATI Radeon HD 5870, Intel Core i7 960, 6 GB DDR3, and 1.2 TB HDD.

Velocity Raptor Signature Edition – Powered by a super fast Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition 975 CPU, the Velocity Raptor Signature Edition offers perfect gaming experience. It includes ATI Radeon HD 5870 Video Card, 6GB of DDR3 RAM, 1 TB HDD and LiquiCool 4 Liquid Cooling System.

iBUYPOWER Paladin F875 – If you are looking for a gaming PC in low budget, this could be the best choice. Combining a liquid-cooled Intel Core i7 960 Quad Core running at 3.2GHz, 2GB ATI Radeon Video Card, 6GB DDR3-1600 RAM, the PC comes with 3 year warranty.

All the above mentioned PCs are meant to meet your gaming needs. According to your requirement and budget, you can choose any of them and take your PC gaming experience to an all new level.

Chat for free: Use instant messaging and your webcam to stay in touch

These days, webcams are easy to buy, connect, and use. In fact, most new laptops come with built-in webcams, and when a webcam is paired with instant messaging or video call software or websites, almost anyone can communicate face to face (or webcam to webcam!) with friends and loved ones.

In this article, we discuss both of these options for staying in touch with family and friends.

Get the software and hardware

Here is what you need to get started:

Instant messaging software: Windows Live Messenger

There are lots of free programs that you can use to stay in touch, but my favorite software for instant messaging and video calls is Windows Live Messenger, which is a part of Windows Live Essentials. With Windows Live Essentials, you get Messenger, Photo Gallery, Mail, Movie Maker, Writer, Family Safety, and Toolbar, plus Microsoft Office Outlook Connector, Office Live Add-in, and Microsoft Silverlight.

Here are five reasons I use Windows Live Messenger instead of other instant messaging software:

· It’s integrated with other Microsoft products and services, like Microsoft Outlook and Windows Live Essentials, so I can see when my friends and family are online as I do other things.

· Most people I know use it (300 million people in 76 countries use Messenger every month), plus I can chat with people on Yahoo! too.

· Messenger offers video chat in HD while sharing your photos and watching videos.

· You can leave 30-second video messages if your friends aren’t around.

· Also, you can set your availability by group. For instance, you can be "Available" for friends but "Offline" for coworkers.

There are lots of other features, but these five are the ones that I use most often to stay in touch. Also, Windows Live Messenger is easy to set up, which makes it simple for me to use with other people who are less technically savvy.

To get it, download Windows Live Messenger from Microsoft. After you’re on the website, click Download, and, in the File Download dialog box, click Run and then follow the installation prompts.


The next item you’ll need is a webcam. Choose something that will work with your computer and operating system. Ideally, you should get one with a built-in microphone. Laptops often have built-in webcams, by the way, but if you purchase one on your own, you’ll need to plug the webcam into a USB port on your computer and install the software that comes with it. Then, follow the instructions that come with your webcam to install it on your computer. An external webcam provides a lot of flexibility with camera angle and direction, better optics, increased field of view, and typically higher quality video. For a list of webcams that are optimized for Windows Live, visit the Windows Live marketplace.

Add friends to your Windows Live Messenger account

After you have the messaging software and your webcam is set up, you can start video chatting with friends and family. When you are signed in to your Windows Live Messenger account, it’s time to add friends that you’d like to chat or video chat with. Look for the Friends icon on your Messenger home screen , and on the drop-down menu, click Add a friend. All you need to do is add his or her email address and then click Next twice. The second time you click Next, you are asked whether you’d like to add the person as a favorite, which means that he or she will always appear at the top of your Messenger contacts and will be easy to find. Then, an invitation is sent.

You can easily add friends and contacts to your Windows Live Messenger account.

After your friend accepts the invitation, the two of you can begin chatting. When you’re ready to start an IM or video chat, just double-click the contact name and another window will open with options to IM or to Video call. To have an IM conversation, type your message in the text box provided, and, on your keyboard, press Enter. To have a video chat, click Video call. Note that the other person must be online and available to have an IM conversation or video chat.

Make a call with your webcam

Making a webcam call (or chat with video) is as easy as making a call from the telephone in your kitchen. The big difference is that you’re using your computer with a webcam to make the call. Here’s how it works: Your computer calls another computer using the IP (Internet Protocol) address associated with your contact’s email address. To read more about making a webcam call, go to Windows Live Help, and, in the Search for box, type webcam call. For more information about buying a webcam that is optimized for Windows Live, visit Windows Live marketplace.

Chat during video calls

When you are engaged in a video chat using Windows Live Messenger, you can still send instant messages back and forth, if, for example, your sound goes out or another small technical problem occurs. You can also send or share pictures or documents while you video chat.

You can even IM with other friends while you are video chatting—just open up a chat with anyone else on your contact list and multitask to your heart’s content. The person you’re chatting with will never know that you are also on a video call, but be careful: The person on the video call will see what you’re doing and where your eyes are.

Video and IM tips

With instant messaging, it’s easy to overdo it. Little messages pop up on your screen at the oddest times, and it’s difficult to resist them even when a work deadline or other important task needs to be completed. If you have a lot of people in your contacts list, you could spend half your day instant messaging. To help you stay on track and in touch, here are some instant messaging tips:

· Use the My Status feature to alert others to your availability. This feature tells others at a glance whether you can chat or whether it might not be a good time for you. Conversely, respect the status of those you want to chat with. If someone has the Busy icon on their name, for example, don’t bother sending a message until they become available. To set your status in Windows Live Messenger, go to the File menu, click Status, and then select the option that describes your current availability: Available, Busy, Away, or Appear Offline.

· Establish regular times for video calls. You can always be spontaneous, of course, but remember that some folks wear pajamas half the day and may not always want to pick up a video call!

· Regularly check the video settings for your webcam. First, check your video settings in Windows Live Messenger: Go to the Tools menu, and click Audio and Video Setup. When you click Next to get to the webcam settings, you should see yourself in the window. (If you don’t, in My Computer, check your webcam properties to make sure that you have set up your webcam properly.) Adjust the brightness, contrast, and other camera settings by using the sliding arrow.

Staying in touch with family and friends is actually a lot of fun when you use instant messaging and video. With the way people are scattered around the country—and even around the globe—these days, it’s also a very practical way to communicate.

Free Studio: One Multi-Purpose Converter To Rule Them All

We convert media types from one format to another nearly every day. Whether we are about to transfer a song to our portable media player, upload a video to YouTube, or size down an image by changing its format, we have to go through a format conversion process.

Usually for different types of media conversions, we have separate programs installed: one for video format conversions, one for audio format conversions, and one for image format conversions. With DVDVideoSoft’s Free Studio, you can get a single program for all your media type conversions.

Free Studio is a freeware for Windows that supports an impressive range of video formats as well as audio and image formats. Find our comprehensive coverage of this remarkable freeware below and see why you should be using it.

Download and Installation

Free Studio runs on Windows XP, Vista, and 7. In order to get the program, you will need to download its setup file which is in the EXE format and about 60MB large. That seemingly large setup size completely justifies itself once the program’s features are explored and understood. In addition to the features, which we highlight in the following paragraphs, the program supports multiple languages. A total of 12 languages are supported including Dutch, English, Spanish, French, and Italian.

The multi-language support certainly helps deliver features to a wider audience unlike most media conversion freeware that targets only English-speaking computer users.


When you run the program for the first time, this is the type of picture you will see:

The big bright buttons let you enter different categories of media tools. A clicking sound can be heard as you place the mouse pointer over these buttons. The sound nicely adds to the overall feel of the program.

In case you want to change the default language without reinstalling the program, you can do so from the top-right.

Overall, the interface maintains a fresh look without ever tiring its user. If we were to grade it, the interface would get an ‘A’.

Let us now move on to the type of media tools offered by Free Studio.

Image Tools

Using the “Photo & Images” button from the main window of the program, you can enter the images portal of Free Studio. Here you will see an impressive list of image tools you can use.

Starting from the top of the list, you can use these tools to:

  • Convert the format of images and resize them
  • Convert videos to individual JPG images
  • Create 3D photographs
  • Record a portion of your screen to create a screencast

Thus not only do you get handy image tools, but you can also record screencasts thereby eliminating the need of an extra application for the purpose.

Audio Tools

From the main window, the “MP3 & Audio” button lets you access the program’s audio tools.

The audio tools let you perform the following functions:

  • Convert audio files between various formats
  • Edit audio files
  • Extract audio from videos
  • Burn audio to an optical disc either as an audio CD or as an MP3 disc

Like the image tools, the audio tools save you the need to have a bunch of other programs installed. The audio tools section of Free Studio will replace your current software for audio format conversions, audio editing, and audio extraction from video.

Video Tools

Free Studio offers an impressive array of video tools. These tools are spread out into 5 categories that are visible in the program’s main window. The first category is “YouTube” and its tools can be seen in the following image:

The YouTube tools let you download videos from YouTube and directly convert their file format thereby effectively merging the download and conversion steps. The application even lets you upload videos to YouTube from its interface.

The second set of video tools is categorized as “CD, DVD, BD.” The tools included under this category can be seen in the following image:

These tools are basically disc-writing tools. In other words, these tools let you burn videos to a video CD, a DVD, or a BluRay disc after passing the video through the appropriate file conversions.

The third category of video tools is “DVD & Video.” See the following image for the list of tools it contains:

As you can see in the image, this category offers video tools that you will probably be using the most. From video editing to video format conversion, tools in this category perform all those functions.

The “Mobiles” category of video tools will let you convert videos for specific devices. These will come in handy when you do not know which video formats your devices can handle. The following image is what tools in this category look like:

The last category of video tools is “Apple Devices.” The function of this category is the same as “Mobile” with video tools for each Apple device labeled separately.


Method of usage of all tools offered by Free Studio is nearly the same. Once you click on a tool in one of the abovementioned categories, you will encounter a window similar to the image below:

The top section is where you specify the input file. You can specify multiple files in case of batch conversions. Underneath you specify the output folder path and details of the output format. When your preferences are set, you click on the “Convert” button to initiate the process.


Take a look at your installed programs. As we pointed out earlier, you will notice you have multiple applications installed for nearly all the functions that are being offered by Free Studio. Replacing all those applications by a single program will not only be convenient but also significantly free up your disk space. With the advantages it offers, Free Studio is a must-have application for all computer users.

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